
In Search of Sunrise- Ch.3 P.2

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Serendrae walked behind Zadin, trying to keep up with him while still keeping her distance. They had been walking the entire day and her leg was giving her trouble, but she was afraid to ask for a break. Zadin stopped atop a hill and waited for her.
Finally, she thought when she reached him. The Oasmerian soldier was looking out to the distance. Serendrae came and stood by him and looked in the direction he was. A cluster of lights stood afar off, about another day of walking would be required to reach it. Tuloi, she thought. Looking around, Serendrae spotted Lake Tathar to the east and to the west laid the sea. Zadin left Serendra's side and sat on a large rock jutting out of the ground. Serendrae lowered herself down stiffly, grateful for the moment of rest. She winced as the new scabs on her leg cracked open under the bloodied bandages. Zadin watched, only the slightest of concern showing in his eyes, if any.
Serendrae arranged herself so that her leg could rest in a position that was the most comfortable, although it wasn't much. While the two rested, hardly a word was spoken between them. An hour passed before Zadin stood again. "Let's go," he said and started down the slope.


Gamin soon grew tired of lying still and sat up slowly. A small throb began to beat in his head but he ignored the bottle of medicine Shanti had provided him earlier. Gamin looked around and saw Shanti tending to something else in the back of the tent. He softly clicked his tongue and Shikomi peered around the tent flap. The wolf trotted over to his master with a worried look. "Are you alright Master?" he whined. Gamin nodded and ruffled the fur on Shikomi's head. "I'm fine. Just feel a little weak is all." Shikomi lay down at Gamin's feet. Gamin looked out the door that had just opened from a gust of wind. The darkness that engulfed everything was the slightest bit lighter.
Gamin sighed with relief. He hadn't been out too long.  At least he could get more training in before the mission. He began to get up out of bed but was stopped when Shanti suddenly whirled around from what she was doing, nearly flinging a book at him.
"No, wait!" she shouted. "I might know what happened to you!"
Gamin jumped at Shanti's sudden outburst and movement. "Give me a heart attack will you?!" he spat at her. "I don't want anything to do with that again!" Gamin stumbled as his knee buckled from underneath him and Shikomi shot up to support him. When he regained his balance, he made his way to the door.
"No seriously Gamin!" Shanti protested. "I want to help! Just give me a second!" Shanti frantically turned the pages in the small red book she had almost thrown. Gamin stopped in front of the tent flap. Without turning to look at Shanti, he dared to ask her, "Are you sure?" Shikomi looked at Shanti, supporting his master's question with skeptical yellow eyes. Shanti nodded, not looking up from her book. "Yes!" she insisted. She flipped through the pages again, searching intently. "Ah! Here it is Gamin! Here, read this paragraph!"
Shanti stepped over to Gamin and held out the book, pointing to where she wanted him to read. Gamin looked at Shanti before taking the book. As he read, he gripped the book harder and harder, bending its cover before throwing it down angrily.
"Are you saying I'm one of them?!" he demanded. "A Sacheir?!"
"W-well, I guess!" Shanti stammered, startled at Gamin's anger. "It only makes sense doesn't it?" She hurried and bundled up the old, now damaged, book to her chest.
"They are traitors, Shanti! I'm no traitor and by no means related to one either! How, in Allendraë's name, did you come up with that?!" Shanti flinched at Gamin's words and didn't say anything, trying to avoid his burning gaze.
Gamin stormed out of the tent, Shikomi at his heels. "Master, you didn't have need to be harsh at the girl." Shikomi stated. Gamin marched on. "And why do you say that?" he asked angrily. Shikomi sat down and licked his fur. "To put it bluntly Master, my line has been passed down through a family of Sacheirs…" Gamin stopped in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat at this revelation. "And you must have noticed," Shikomi went on, "that so far you are the only one that can hear me." Gamin slowly turned around. "W-what are you implying?"
"On top of that," Shikomi said, ignoring Gamin's question, "you don't know who your family really is, since you were separated from your parents when you were only a few years old."
"That's nonsense!" Gamin spat. "I left on my own free will when my mother was killed!" Shikomi stared up at him, sadness showing in his eyes. Gamin took a step back as he realized what Shikomi was telling him. "Why didn't you tell me of you lineage, Shikomi?" he choked out. Shikomi shrugged. "You never asked. And I had assumed you knew at first, but as you grew older I realized I had been wrong. I decide not to tell you as it probably would have been for the best." Shikomi looked away from Gamin. "That exchange back there was not supposed to happen."
Gamin shook with anger and confusion. The wolf that he had trusted all his life had just revealed that his family had always been in allegiance with Oasmer's enemy. And now there was a possibility that he was one of them? Gamin backed away from the stranger in front of him. "You're lying…" he concluded. Shikomi, surprised at Gamin's sudden change of tone, looked up again. What Shikomi saw in Gamin's eyes shocked him even more: fear. "Master…" He stood up and took a step forward.
"Don't come near me! If this is some kind of sick joke you had better end it now."
Shikomi stopped. "Master, don't-"
Before Shikomi could finish, Gamin turned and ran.
Part 2 of Chapter 3

Ch.3 P.1: [link]

Ch.3 P. 3: [link]
© 2011 - 2024 Valkyrie457
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